The time has come for us students to leave our schooling phase and enter the world around us. When I look back at my two years in terms of CAS I believe I can safely say it has been a roller coaster ride. The numerous activities and the range of diverse skills explored have been more than I anticipated. Whether it was leading a service group, organising a massive fundraising event, climbing walls, hosting an awards ceremony or regularly acting for an audience I have been fortunate to have enjoyed all of it.
The ultimate lesson I have learnt through these two years is the importance of collaboration. Having worked in a team with regards to creativity, action and service I feel much better prepared for the collaborative skills that will be required when I enter university and embark on many new things.
Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth: I was able to achieve this by performing in the secondary school drama production at the end of grade 11 and grade 12. The experience I gained from the 11th grade production paid off and helped me perform to a much more convincing and believable manner in the 12th grade production and indicated my growth as an actor over the course of the IB diploma.
Undertaken new challenges: With regards to creativity I undertook a new challenge when I agreed to host the oscars, an awards night at osc where students are attributed for skills designed to amuse each an every person. It was the job of the host/compeer to keep the crowd entertained during the short intervals between each award. This was a very new experience for me and whilst being nerve-wrecking it was thoroughly enjoyable and put my speaking skills as well as my whit in general to the test.
Planned and initiated activities: This skill was put to the test during the fundraiser where I collaborated with others in order to organise a concert where bands from Sri Lanka would compete in order to achieve a treasured reward. This particular activity required immense preparation as it consisted of major plans and coordinating with students as well as teachers and members of the music industry.
Worked collaboratively with others: This skill was put to the test when I took part in the drama production during grade 12. I was given the privilege of working with students in the younger grades in order to help them grow as actors and in some cases I found much to be learnt from them as well. The combination of naturally acquired skill and new found skills through direction and collaboration made this experience one of the most fulfilling for me the
Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities: I believe that this is one learning outcome I fulfilled in all of my activities whether creativity, action or service oriented. This is mainly due to the fact that the activities were chosen so that I could enjoy them immensely whilst fulfilling my CAS requirements.
Engaged with issues of global importance: I got an opportunity to fulfil this learning outcome during my service project. As it was a fundraiser that aimed to help children with cleft-palette disorder it helped me understand an issue of national and global importance. This was a holistic learning experience for me as it enabled me to understand the amount of good a little extra funds can do for children in the country who actually need it far more than ourselves.
Considered the ethical implications of their actions: In order to meet this learning outcome I took a more active role in my service group which I became leader of in the beginning of 12th grade. This experience made me think hard on my decisions as CAS leader as all the time I dedicated to the service would need to be beneficial towards the cause. This made our decisions as a group more challenging and gave us an idea of what it is like to make important decisions that affect others around us more than ourselves.
Develop new skills: I developed new skills this year with my regular gym sessions during the course of the two years. The gym sessions helped me reach a target weight and fitness level which was one of my main concerns in terms of achieving due to the intensive hours spent on homework in the IB.